
Talanoa: Walk the Talk IV

Talanoa: Walk the Talk IV Shigeyuki Kihara has collaborated with the Ingleburn RSL Club, Campbelltown Community Pipes and Drums and Wuruniri Music and Dance to present Talanoa: Walk the Talk IV, a free performance at Redfern Community Centre on Saturday 15 August at 12pm. In Samoa the concept of talanoa is a process of discussion […]

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Shigeyuki explains Talanoa: Walk the Talk IV

Talanoa: Walk the Talk IV is a free public performance at Redfern Community Centre, Sydney, Australia on Saturday 15 August 2009, from 12pm. Featuring: Wuruniri Music and Dance; Ingleburn RSL Club & Campbelltown Community Pipes and Drums. During my seven-week residency hosted by the Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney I am staging the Talanoa: Walk the […]

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Talanoa: Walk the Talk III

Shigeyuki Kihara has collaborated with the Mukti Gupteshar Mandir Society and the Congregational Christian Church Samoa to present Talanoa: Walk the Talk III, a work that explores cross-cultural relationships within communities. The latest performance is happening in Minto, Sydney on Saturday 8 August from 10.30am.

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